There is nothing as delicious as freshly baked bread from the campfire with loads of butter !
Dave's delicious bread recipe doesn't use a conventional camper oven but a ''Dutch Oven''or a good quality cast iron pot and some hot coals !
Enjoy making this one its delicious !

Remember to place some coals on-top of the dutch oven when baking
6 cups plain cake flour
1 tablespoon salt
2 teaspoons castor sugar
10g instant yeast
100g margarine or butter
1 cup luke warm milk
3/4 cup of luke warm water
Combine flour, salt, sugar and yeast in a bowl
Melt margarine/ butter and mix with Milk and Water
Then mix this liquid with dry ingredients in step 1
Mix thoroughly and knead until dough is elastic and no longer sticks to your hands.
Place in a well greased Dutch oven (cast iron pot) , leaving enough room for the dough to rise. The dough will roughly double in size
Cover and place on good moderate coals (place a few coals on the lid as well). bake for an hour or until the bread sounds hollow when tapped.
The finished product - Delicious ! Ready to be enjoyed in the wild